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Monday, May 9, 2016

What To Look For In A Keynote Speaker

By Larry Martin

The keynote address cements what a conference or meeting is all about. It sets the agenda or confirms the deliberations already made. This places the keynote speaker at the center of your proceedings. You probably wonder why the speech is not delivered by the chairman or most influential member of the congress. This only confirms the centrality of the address and the need to get the right person.

Authority is a crucial attribute of any target person. The audience must hold the invited guest in high regard. This explains why you look for the influential and successful people in the industry. Most of the participants of the fraternity must consider him or her enviable. It is the authority and personality surrounding such people that make them fit for the role.

Your chosen person must be aware of the challenges and success experienced by participants and the industry in general. This information is used to confirm decisions made and motivate the crowd to pursue greater goals and wins. Being conversant with the crowd enables him or her to give an address that is relevant. Understanding the lives of a people makes it easier to relate with them.

Symposiums and conferences are serious business. When all is said and done, it is this speaker who packages the message in a summarized manner. This summary and delivery makes the message memorable. Humor also brings a sense of relief after lengthy deliberations and discussions for several days. The message of such speakers resonates in the minds of participants and makes the conference memorable.

Some situations call for speakers to act as moderators. This happens when the person is expected to motivate or cause the participants to generate ideas. You will need an outgoing personality in such a case. This is a person who can engage without intimidating. The hall must also be organized in a way to facilitate such a discussion. This is the best approach when dealing with a small group of people.

Since such speakers play different roles, it is the position assigned in the program that will determine the purpose of a speech. Those slated for the beginning of a meeting are required to set the tone or agenda. In case your slot is in the middle, your responsibility is to fire the debate towards the conclusion. A speech delivered at the close of a session is meant to cement or crown the message or discussions.

There are people to avoid when selecting a speaker. Controversial personalities will only cause division within the group. Persons who advocate for radical ideas can only be invited if the group stands by such. Obvious figures are also likely to deliver a flat speech since their style and ideas are already known. Only consider personalities who will add value to your program.

Despite speakers having own messages to deliver and style, they must be briefed to customize their delivery. This includes the actual position of participants, organization, group or company. Sensitivity to the expectations of the crowd will make the delivery effective. Your primary goal should be to find an individual who best represents your journey or status as a group.

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