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Sunday, September 2, 2012

How The Power Of Art Has Influenced Mankind

By Crystal Salazar

Art has been a powerful tool ever since mankind has walked upon this earth. Initially it would appear to have been used as a means of communication. The power of art does seem quite a logical standpoint to make if you think back to the times of early man.

These individuals might have had the power of speech but were quite often nomadic. Therefore they would have needed a way of imparting certain information, such as the location of fresh water or the best hunting areas. Many think that this is one of the purposes of the many cave drawings that have been found throughout the world. So it would seem that even as far back as then, art was being used, as it was universally understood.

Many will have heard of the old saying "A picture paints a thousand words", once again this implies that art is not bound by language. The medium of art has often been used to reinforce, or pass on, messages. For that reason art and religion have often been viewed together, art was often used to spread the word on religion to the masses.

This was mainly because the common man was largely illiterate, and the majority of their learning came by word of mouth. These religious teachings would often be backed up by paintings of a religious nature. Although at that time art was solely for the well to do, the common person did get to see it as they served their masters or in the larger churches and cathedrals. Quite often it was used to depict scenes from religious works, which would be become accepted as the normal.

It has been widely known that art can convey a powerful message. Which is probably why, during times of conflict, various propaganda ministries attempt to depict a slanted view of events. This can be used to raise public awareness, or to instill a sense of national responsibility. Both sides during a conflict will attempt to depict themselves as being on the side of the righteous compared to the enemy.

The purpose of propaganda is to cause the populace to get behind a certain viewpoint. During the Second World War this was used to great effect in bringing women into the industrial workforce. It was instrumental in changing people's ideas about what was normal in society, thus helping the war effort.

The power of art is still being harnessed today, just look at any magazine. If there is an advertisement that uses a photograph to portray a product or brand, this too can be considered as art. It is no different to a painting despite a camera having been used instead of paint on canvas. As with a painting this photograph will have to have been staged to display an effective image.

The power of art has always been used in various ways. Some would say for both good and bad, depending upon their viewpoint. Thanks to art people get to see glimpses of society as it used to be, and how it has evolved. Although they should be aware that these images are the interpretations of the artist, and their sponsors, so the power to shape minds is still there.

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