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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Discovering The History Of Narrative Drawings

By Kristen Baird

For centuries people have been telling stories through pictures. A series of pictures will often present stories as part of an ongoing story or in sequence. Looking at history it is evident that stories were passed along using art. Ancient narrative drawings there is no systematic organization making it difficult to understand the story. There are features that are common with this type of art, however different cultures have distinct ways of recognizing the specific actions of he drawings.

Before there were written languages information was passed on through art. Early in history these pictures were unorganized and not in lines making them hard to understand. After the development of literacy picture communications began to be more organized in in rows that were like lines on paper. This helped people to better understand the narrative because the direction of it was clearer. Eventually the linking of pictures led to today telling stores through comic strips and books today.

Comic books have been in existence for years. Most everyone has either read or owed one or more of these books in their life time. Many people remember their parents reading the funny papers or comic strips in the daily newspaper. These are all good example of how narrative art has evolved. Today, comics and the funny pages of the paper are still a favorite of many adults, teens, and children.

Comics use a combination of words and sequential drawings to tell a story and show events unfolding. Most times a story is understood by the pictures in the book. Books that are for young children also tell stories with artwork. Before children learn to read their books contain pictures that are arranged in a manner that tells a story.

When children start to communicate with the world around them they typically do it with crayons and paper. Most of the stories the are drawing involve their immediate family or home. Often children draw pictures showing places they have visited. Drawings might be of park swings and children playing which is their way of telling stories of their visit to a park.

This type of drawing is also used to help children who have suffered some type of trauma. Children can be very descriptive in their drawings. The professional is often able to see a story unfold as the child creates their art. In addition to getting an idea of the type of trauma a child has suffered, the act of drawing helps children work through the memory.

Therapists use the pictures that children draw as a way to identify what is triggering or causing them depression, anxiety, nightmares, and apprehension. Once identified, the therapist can introduce an alternative response to the triggers. The pictures are also used to analyze aspects of the trauma to help the child eliminate fear.

There are so many more examples of these types of art and the purpose that they serve. If you spend time in an art museum you will likely identify a number of art pieces that tell a story. Simply studying the ancient cave art will provide a lesson in story telling through pictures. Public signs that show stick people in specific actions are also an example of communication.

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