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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Recycling For Leisure And Fashion

By Joseph Hamilton

Sometime when recycling is brought up, most would fall over the thought that it is too much of a hassle, however these ideas are mostly coming from those who have not yet tried it. Because to those who indulge in recycling, constantly making something new and unique from all the slightly used material, found themselves slightly addicted than of what was initially expected. With a little bit of creativity you can turn an ordinary water bottle into so many wonderful things and a single piece of paper can be made into paper beads to could be used for making necklaces or bracelets.

Now living in a time where natural resources are harvested for the societies growing demand for materials, it is only right that one tries to contribute to prevent scarcity of resources in the future, one of the simplest things anyone could do is recycle.

Take for example are you aware of the hundreds of trees that are being cut down just to provide you with the paper that you use in school or in the office. Do you know that the moment you throw a single sheet of paper even if its been slightly used you are throwing away years of nature associated growth and life.

Would you not appreciate a thing more, when it brings back a certain memory every time you look at it. It is true making something like beads made out of paper it takes time and practice and countless of mistakes before you get it right. But that is the memory that you take along as you grow up the determination, the willingness to succeed and the outcome of all your hard work and effort.

Talking about design, being that you are the one making it, you could decide on the colour or the style that you want to follow to base the outcome to your own personal preference. Most of the time when looking around the store to buy accessories, what makes it difficult for one to decide is the fact that there is a certain feature to the accessory that one does not like, and with that the process takes more time than what was originally expected.

Eventually as one gets used to the step by step procedure you get to slowly apply your own style to it, make it more alluring and unique. The process might be slow, but it is that same reason why most enjoy recycling, because one could take charge of their own time, they get to indulge on that step by step process.

If now you are wondering how to make your own accessories, since you do not yet have the slightest clue as to how you could make your imagination into reality. Now humanity is living in world where information can be accessed with a few clicks.

If you know a friend who could personally teach than that is better, but if you do not know anyone with that interest, guidelines and tutorials are everywhere. They could be in the public library or your computer, you can find them immediately if you are really interested.

It may seem typical at first, but the more you put your own twist to it. It becomes rather unique, and it becomes something that you could be proud of no matter what other people say.

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