My Free TV on PC

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Effectiveness of Watching Live TV

By Weeyiu Blakyiepie

Live TV is a lot like satellite based programming in many aspects; their only difference is accessibility and their transition from their respective servers and into your screen. They both can stream live events but internet television is more accessible since more devices are more compatible with it than receiver type subscriptions. It's no secret that entertainment companies, along with the internet, have grown over the years. From the grainy television sets of back then to the vast online live TV of today.

Watching live television through the internet might be a new experience for some, but it's been in the industry for quite a time. Satellite to receiver subscriptions in their earliest years offered pay-per-view shows that had you paying a onetime charge to watch something live on their television set. It was only when the internet soon caught up with the entertainment scene and introduced the world to live streaming technology on the computer screen.

Live TV may be new to the internet, but it's definitely been around for a fair amount of time. Satellite TV subscribers were one of the first to have pay-per-view features that had high-quality. Then when the internet came in and technology advanced, live streaming soon followed. This allowed people more availability in terms of accessibility.

The internet is a free roaming space of everything you ever wanted to find, that includes watching live TV. Although not all video streaming sites allow you to see everything and end up showing you preview or select clips of the whole thing, there are other sites out there that give you the whole thing for free with either a subscription based or site-exclusive web players much like Hulu.

As the years pass, so do technological advancements. They make interface with devices, especially portable ones relatively easier and more tasteful in terms of function. Things are getting smaller while retaining their quality ?this works well for people who like watching live TV in the palm of their hand while they go about their business.

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