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Monday, July 6, 2015

The Benefits One Could Get From Pastured Rabbits

By Edna Booker

Traveling in different places means that we are willing to discover new things because the people living there have different culture so as their food and lifestyle. For one, there are those that eat meats to some animals we thought is impossible to eat and some even opt to eat insects. If you are really willing to introduce yourself into their culture, you will discover a lot of things especially the benefits people can get with this exotic meat.

One of the animals they eat is the amazing bunny rabbit. Who would have thought that a properly pastured rabbits Lake Charles can be eaten. Most rabbit farmers would claim that this is one sustainable business and it has many nutritional benefits and here are the reasons why we should start loving to eat rabbits.

If you want to start your pasturing, this animal is very easy to raise and it quickly reproduce. This is because it gains so much weight by feeding less food. The main reason they are not costly to raise because the owners no longer have to buy now and then for its food and give so much water everyday.

It also have a rapid reproduction rate making it more possible to pasture a lot of them in a single time and sell more of them in the market. They say that a farmer with only one doe can raise a dozen of rabbits in a single year. Thus, still having a low consumption of food and water but doubles the number of population quickly than any other types of animals to raise.

Farmers would often refer that the rabbits have the best and healthiest meat there is in the market. It was shown that these animals have low saturated and unsaturated fat levels which can be a good meat substitute to pork which can cause high blood levels when eaten always.

It has also high level of Vitamin B 12 which can be helpful to relieve from soreness of the mouth and tongue which boost the appetite of the person. It is also a good source for protein and selenium that may reduce the possible growth of prostate cancer. Other than those things mentioned, its meat to bone ratio is higher than that of a chicken.

This animal tastes the same as chicken. The meat is white which can be digested easily and with relatively disease free. This can even replace chicken in your home recipes. You can even make your own rabbit meat stew and ragu or any other recipe that you can think of.

On the other hand, farming rabbits is not as easy as raising other animals. They are natural ground diggers so there is no reason for you to just cage them. If they are caged, most likely, they will get diseases, parasites, and heat sickness.

Now that you know all these things, are you willing to continue supporting the local farms buy eating in a restaurant that sells their delicacy meat. If yes, then you are one food taster who never fails to try what other cultured people eat. What else can one man say is Bon Apetit to his fellowmen as they eat.

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