The Cross Movie is a film that was made in 2008 and released the next year. It was Matthew Crouch's debut as a documentary director. It follows the 38,000 miles Arthur Blessitt covered on foot. His efforts landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records. The goal of his journey was to take the gospel to every country and primary island group in the world.
The aforementioned director and Blessitt met 20 years earlier. In the summer of 2008, the 2 men met for the 2nd time during Blessitt's journey to Zanzibar, on the African coast. It was during this time that Crouch came up with the idea to write a documentary and film, for the purpose of telling the entire story. The documentary details each facet of Blessitt's journey.
The story essentially began with what Arthur Blessitt calls a basic act of obedience to God: designing a large cross to hang on the wall of the Christian coffee house he started in the 1960s in Hollywood, California called "His Place." Several years later, in 1968, he started taking short walks with the cross to feed homeless people on Sunset Strip and share with them the gospel.
Blessitt quickly began feeling that God was calling him to complete another journey, although this walk would involve a much longer route. Soon, he left Hollywood on Christmas Day in 1969 and walked as far as New York City and Washington DC carrying the cross.
The next year, he walked through war-torn Northern Ireland. It was this trip that started what was soon to be called the walk through the world. In 1988, again feeling led of God, he continued his journey until he had walked through every nation possible spreading the gospel. Ten years after this was accomplished, his mission was complete, and he had even gained entrance to North Korea through an outstanding series of circumstances.
The aforementioned documentary was finished in the summer of 2008. The wife of Arthur Blessitt offered valuable insight to director Matthew Crouch, as she accompanied her spouse to almost 300 of the countries he walked through during his journey. Currently, Blessitt's project is immortalized in the Guinness Book of World Records as "The lengthiest walk on Earth".
A personal glimpse of Blessitt's trip through three hundred and fifteen countries, island groups, and territories is chronicled in the documentary. The specific distance he covered was 38,102 miles, which is equivalent to walking the circumference of the earth at the equator level one and a half times. The film has been received well by both non-Christians and those who embrace the Christian faith, as it truly highlights the beliefs and dedication of Blessitt and his family.
Additionally, the film includes numerous conversations Blessitt had with people he spoke to during his walk. Often, large groups waited to greet him, while other times he journeyed on in complete solitude. He visited many war-torn and troubled regions of the world. No matter how difficult circumstances became, he was never tempted to quit. Select theaters played The Cross Movie, and it can now be purchased from a variety of retailers, as well as over the Internet.
The aforementioned director and Blessitt met 20 years earlier. In the summer of 2008, the 2 men met for the 2nd time during Blessitt's journey to Zanzibar, on the African coast. It was during this time that Crouch came up with the idea to write a documentary and film, for the purpose of telling the entire story. The documentary details each facet of Blessitt's journey.
The story essentially began with what Arthur Blessitt calls a basic act of obedience to God: designing a large cross to hang on the wall of the Christian coffee house he started in the 1960s in Hollywood, California called "His Place." Several years later, in 1968, he started taking short walks with the cross to feed homeless people on Sunset Strip and share with them the gospel.
Blessitt quickly began feeling that God was calling him to complete another journey, although this walk would involve a much longer route. Soon, he left Hollywood on Christmas Day in 1969 and walked as far as New York City and Washington DC carrying the cross.
The next year, he walked through war-torn Northern Ireland. It was this trip that started what was soon to be called the walk through the world. In 1988, again feeling led of God, he continued his journey until he had walked through every nation possible spreading the gospel. Ten years after this was accomplished, his mission was complete, and he had even gained entrance to North Korea through an outstanding series of circumstances.
The aforementioned documentary was finished in the summer of 2008. The wife of Arthur Blessitt offered valuable insight to director Matthew Crouch, as she accompanied her spouse to almost 300 of the countries he walked through during his journey. Currently, Blessitt's project is immortalized in the Guinness Book of World Records as "The lengthiest walk on Earth".
A personal glimpse of Blessitt's trip through three hundred and fifteen countries, island groups, and territories is chronicled in the documentary. The specific distance he covered was 38,102 miles, which is equivalent to walking the circumference of the earth at the equator level one and a half times. The film has been received well by both non-Christians and those who embrace the Christian faith, as it truly highlights the beliefs and dedication of Blessitt and his family.
Additionally, the film includes numerous conversations Blessitt had with people he spoke to during his walk. Often, large groups waited to greet him, while other times he journeyed on in complete solitude. He visited many war-torn and troubled regions of the world. No matter how difficult circumstances became, he was never tempted to quit. Select theaters played The Cross Movie, and it can now be purchased from a variety of retailers, as well as over the Internet.
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