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Friday, March 29, 2013

Christian Talk Shows For The Younger Generation

By Jill Faulkner

If you have always wanted to be in the media industry and you are interested in the Christian faith, then you may want to consider something along the lines of Christian talk shows. These are becoming more and more popular and they are something that is needed in this day and age. People need to know basic principles and morals to keep them on the right path.

There are certain qualities you need for this. Firstly, you have to have specific goals, asking yourself why you actually want to go forward with this type of talk show. You have to be the caring type of person, but you should also want to see some growth.

Gun sales are also a problem and this needs to be reduced. It has been proved in countries like Australia that once this has been stopped, things start to become a lot more normal. In China, kids are only allowed knives and this does not result as nearly the same amount of attacks as what happens in American schools.

You have to have ideas relating to what teens are interested in. This could include sports and hobbies. You could have guests who are Christians. This may surprise viewers who haven't much interest for the faith, and as a result they may turn to the Christian way of life.

Shooting in different locations is also a good idea because it can be exciting and it is something to look forward to. Kids may get bored just simply watching a show that is shot at a studio each time. You need to include videos as well as music and this needs to be continuous.

Parents don't have time to teach kids values these days, and very often this is why there is so much drinking, smoking and bad behaviour. If parents can't get involved, they need to encourage kids to sit down to a half hour of television every day. This is all it takes to teach them the basic principles.

The locations you go to could include skate parks or other exciting attractions. This will make them think that Christianity is not something that is a bore which they have grown up to think. The program should be organized in a way that it is not too long and it will have a section where kids will not get bored. Basically, they just need to get the message.

You can do this in different ways, but it is best to do this on television because visuals are always better. You will get the message across in the best way like this and you will keep their attention. This will be effective as long as you include the appropriate visuals. Going from one scene to another and including variety is a good way to start. Kids want to see a lot of action with talking in a fun, enthusiastic manner.

Overall, you will find that Christian talk shows can either be really boring and bland, or they can draw in the audience. However, it is up to you how you organize the program and this will make a huge impact at the end of the day. There are many ways you can do this, but the more you put into this, the more you will get out.

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