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Monday, December 17, 2012

The Course Of Action For BMX/Bicycle Restoration

By Celia Hall

Old bikes can be restored to their original look and design. Sometimes people attach incredible value in old things and want them to remain as souvenir. Some of the items people like to keep are cars, bikes, jewelries among others. However, the process of BMX/Bicycle restoration is simple and affordable. The refurbishment process is done by getting spare parts from stalls.

The process of restoring bikes requires that the owners must take enough time to decide on what one wants. The length of time gives room for preparation and planning before engaging in the procedure. Planning is very important in bikes restitution because you can be able to find the correct and original spares for your cycle. This helps the process to be free from hitches.

The client must first examine the cycle to find the parts that are required for upgrading. Parts that have rusted should be made to appear as new again. Oxalic acid can be used to remove rust on these products. The customer should mix the chemical with water and dip the parts that have rust in this mixture. The parts should be left in for at least ten hours. The parts can then be brushed to remove the rust.

Due to the age of the bike some parts may be stuck and not move. This should not be a threat to the owner. A screw loosening chemical is sprayed on these parts. This chemical reduce the force that can be used to loosen these parts. These chemicals can easily be found in supermarkets and hardware stores.

Furthermore, the alignment of the bike should be checked. The front and back tire should be checked and straightened so that they are on the same line. Pedals that have loosened also need to be tightened. It is easy to overlook these parts, but when the pedals are not tight the crank simply gets destroyed.

The owner should take care when shopping for these tools when undertaking a restoration process. This is because the cycle has to look as it was first bought or sold. The tools to be bought have to be the ones for the bike. While, on the market, a shopper can ask for recommendations from hardware and mechanics on where to find the spare parts.

The process of painting is performed after all parts have been fixed and tested. Once the cycle is in good shape and condition, it must be carefully sprayed with several coats of paint. The first coat is to prevent it from rusting while others are to make it look brand new. The painting must be done by an expert who has experience.

Therefore, you can save money by restoring your vintage cycles. The procedure of BMX/Bicycle restoration requires the mechanic to be keen to make it brand new. The repairs must follow laid down procedures to make sure all parts are restored. You can also purchase used bikes through online shopping and them conduct a refurbishment process.

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